Textual Sermons



1. God (Intelligence) communicates with mankind (intelligent being) using words.

2. Psa. 119:  A eulogy to the Law & Word of God.

a. Excellency of the law is considered from many aspects.

b. "A manual for meditation & personal improvement." 

c. Practical applications for daily living.

** God’s will in relation to human character and conduct.

3. All verses except 4 (90, 121, 122, 132) make some allusion to God’s word.

4. Artistic: 22 stanzas, 8 vs. each (Each vs. begins w/ the letter of the stanza).

5. Synonyms of God’s will however made manifest:

a. Law (torah) - v. 1 - The law; Widest sense.

b. Testimonies - v. 2 - God’s commands that witness to His character/attest to His will.

c. Judgments - v. 7 - Judicial pronouncements by act or word against particular conduct.

d. Statutes - v. 5 - Enactments of God (ordinances, v. 20).

e. Word - v. 9 -Utterances spoken/written by God (cf. 1 Pet. 4:11).

f. Precepts - v. 4 - Instructions to men to direct their conduct.

g. Commandments - v. 6 - Directives (precepts)

h. Promise - v. 16 - God’s commitments / utterances to man.

i. Way or ways - v. 3 - Prescribed lines of conduct.

6. Psalmist looks at God’s word from these points & view, & himself in reference to it.

7. Psa. 19:7-11 - Value of God’s word....Keeping them....Great reward (Divine blessings)!


Psalm 119 - GOD’S WILL IN RELATION TO HUMAN CHARACTER & CONDUCT: (Title each stanza, key verse in each stanza)


1. v. 1-8 - Divine Blessings. Granted by God to those who honor His word in their life (v. 1-2, "Happy, fortunate;" Singularity of mind - Matt. 6:22-24).

2. v. 9-16 - Protection Against Sin. Cleanse the soul (v. 9, 11, 16).

3. v. 17-24 - Fullness of Life. Spiritual perception / Counseled by God’s word! - v. 23-24; cf. Jno. 10:10.

4. v. 25-32 - Strength in Sorrows & Trials. Enlivening power (From despair to strength!) - cf. Jas. 1:2-4.

5. v. 33-40 - Establishes Fear of God. Conform me! (Prov. 1:7)

6. v. 41-48 - Salvation. According to word (1 Tim. 2:4); Answer (1 Pet. 3:15).

7. v. 49-56 - Grants Hope. Life is a pilgrimage (1 Pet. 2:11-12).

8. v. 57-64 - God’s Provisions & Care. Sustained by His word (Jno. 6:63).

9. v. 65-72 - Develops Character (2 Pet. 1:4; Phil. 1:9-10).

10. v. 73-80 - Separates Reverent From Proud. Influence of humility (Matt. 5:13-16).

11. v. 81-88 - Enables Endurance When Persecuted (Matt. 5:11-12).

12. v. 89-96 - Service To God (1 Cor. 7:23).

13. v. 97-104 - Wisdom To Avoid Sin (cf. Rom. 7:7).

14. v. 105-112 - Light (Jno. 8:12).

15. v. 113-120 - Security (Eph. 6:13-17).

16. v. 121-128 - Supreme Standard of Authority (Col. 3:17).

17. v. 129-136 - Satisfies the Soul (Matt. 5:6).

18. v. 137-144 - Reveals the Nature of God (1 Pet. 1:15-16).

19. v. 145-152 - God is Near. Confident hope (Heb. 13:5-6).

20. v. 153-160 - Deliverance (Psa. 22:19-24).

21. v. 161-168 - Incites Praise of God (Rev. 19:1-2).

22. v. 169-176 - God’s Helping Hand to Man (2 Tim. 3:16-17).



We must honor God’s word by using it every day! It will sustain us & bring us into God’s presence!